Berserk Button: Ogling or touching her chest (even accidentally as Jin learned the hard way in her 5 ending) or Lili's zany schemes.Badass Adorable: A tomboyish but cute girl who's not the least bit afraid to throw down.She also has a custom Upper Body item which is a swallow perching on her shoulder.

The swallow logo returns for her new default outfit in 7, this time placed on her chest.The back of her main outfit (from 5 to Tag 2) is adorned with a swallow logo, which is also present on the fingerless gloves of her school outfit. In the 5 intro cinematic, a swallow flies by, right before she is introduced.Alternate Company Equivalent: Once Lili was introduced, Asuka soon became Tekken's answer to Sakura Kasugano.

In her 5 ending, Jin's horns, tattoos, and wings all disappear at her touch. Interestingly enough about Asuka, she seems to be able to counter the Devil Gene.