In the sixth slot, you get jump boost five. Grey Matter: You jump high, run fast, and you can go through a block of height.In the eighth slot, you gain jump boost four. When you run, you gain more resistance, walk faster, and deal damage on the mobs around. – XLR8: In the eighth slot, you get faster. In the seventh slot, you can click and create a tornado under everyone around you. (To work well, enter into the water and go to the surface, as if you were trying to jump into the water) In the ninth and eighth slots, you can run on the water. DiamondHead: DiamondHead has the normal Minecraft tools: pickaxe, shovel, ax, hoe, sword and shield.

There is also the “Free Build”, that create fake and unbreakable diamond blocks, that disappear after a while Sneak in the ninth slot to change the tool.

Put the Omnitrix in your off-hand, and in the ninth slot, right-click to cycle through the aliens. When an alien is chosen, shift and right-click to transform. When Omnitrix times out (3 minutes), it enters the recharge mode and takes 30 seconds to recharge. To Season 2 Omnitrix: Sneak and right-click in the ninth slot using Upgrade. To Season 3 Omnitrix: Defeat High Override. To Season 4 Omnitrix: When you summon the Season 1 Omnitrix, a key is summoned together, but you need the Season 3 Omnitrix to get it. When you have the key, hold it in your main hand and Season 3 Omnitrix in your off-hand and click.